

Today I saw you at the pound

You were small and scared

You took a risk and made a sound

Wishing someone cared


Today I saw you in my home

Looking all around

Hoping it was really true

A life of love was found


Today I saw you hard at play

Running here and there

Chasing toys and bright sun ray

Flying through the air


Today I saw you sitting there

Such good times abound

Alertly watching from your chair

The change has been profound


Today I saw you lying about

Growing frail and old

You were tired; I had no doubt

And I knew what would unfold


Today I saw you sound asleep

You had lost your glow

Though my grief would make me weep

Time to let you go


Today I saw you in my dreams

The loss hurts to the core

My empty home softly screams

A void I can’t ignore


You absence now so keenly felt

It cuts me like a knife

But I will find some comfort soon

From the cirque of life


Today I see you in your cage

You are small and scared

Come home with me, my little one

Our lives will now be shared


© Susan Goodman, 2013