"Fix A Kitty" Low-Cost Sterilization
Program for Cats
$20 Sterilization for cats of low income cat guardians.
Please click HERE
for more information
Fundraisers help Animal
Guardians and homeless animals. Find out
more and how you can help!
Please click HERE for information about
Spay-Neuter Assistance

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This page is dedicated to the many cherished pets who
filled our spirits with joy during their lives, and left huge holes in our
hearts when they died. Gone but never forgotten.... |
Are Here
look for you upon my bed, where you loved to sleep
look for you by your bowl, where you loved to eat
look for you in bright sunlight, where you loved to lay
look for you by your toys, where you loved to play
look for you around the house, my stomach tied in knots
look for you everywhere, in all your favorite spots
look for you and feel such pain, it’s more than I can bear
need to hold you in my arms but sadly you’re not there
had a bond with so much love, we made each other whole
were a sweet and gentle cat, a perfect little soul
can’t believe you’d leave me here to grieve year after year
can’t believe you’d want for me to always shed a tear
I search in other ways to see if you are near
think of you with love and joy and then it’s very clear
lonely times, in quiet times, in times of angst and fear
I look within my heart, you are always here
--- Susan Goodman , 2012
to friends and family who have lost so many, so quickly
For more poetry and prose by S. Goodman and others please click here. |
were a sweet little old lady-cat, loved across generations. We knew
you were getting ready to leave us but it was still a shock and we miss
you so much. Say hi to Mom. |
were a true fighter, tripod in body, huge in spirit. You left us
long before you should have and we grieve for you. We will never
forget our beloved little Rocker, ever. |
You tried
so hard to beat a cruel illness, and when you suddenly lost that fight we
were devastated. We will miss you always, our sweet, gentle girl. |
Your name
was full of hope and we hoped you would be with us forever. You were
an amazing boy and your loss has left a huge hole where our hearts once
were. We miss you terribly, sweet boy. |
charmed us the moment we met you and broke our hearts when you left.
We will always remember what a wonderful boy you were and how much joy you
brought us. |
You came
full circle back into my life and my home, but this time you left for good
and far too soon. You will be missed, precious one. |
26, 1998 - November 12, 2010
beautiful, loving friend is gone and has left us with a huge void in our
hearts and our home. We miss you terribly, sweet baby boy.
were my furry boy-cat, my precious little guy
came into my life one day, and brought me worlds of joy
you're gone, I miss you so, more than you could know
heart, it hurts. My soul, it aches, for my dear, sweet baby boy.
See you at the Rainbow Bridge.... |
Beautiful Faline
went to be with Mom on September 11, 2010. They missed and needed
each other, and now they are forever together. |
Sweet Laila
crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 22, 2010. She never
reached old age but she brought great joy to her people during her
life. She is missed every day. |
passed away on January 28, 2010 and
went to be with Mom. She was a senior kitty but her loss was sudden
and unexpected. We are consoled that they are together, but we miss
them both very much.
We are saddened by the loss of TRIPPER who recently
joined his friend PARKER in that big, warm cat-bed in the sky. We miss
you; the parking lot will not be the same without you. |
9, 2002 – April 21, 2006
This is
in loving memory of Shadow who came into our lives when he was thirteen years
old after being thrown away at the shelter.
Shadow was thrown away because he was a diabetic although we did not
know it at the time. Shadow
thrived at our home and lived with us for almost four years before we lost
him to his illness. Sadly,
Shadow died in my arms on April 21, 2006.
Shadow was loved more in those
four years than he had ever been in his previous thirteen years. We miss him dearly and we are happy that he was a part of our
lives. He will always be in our
hearts and we miss his beautiful big green eyes that just looked right into
your heart.
We miss you Shadow more you will
ever know. Until we are together
again we will honor your memory by helping others that are abandoned every
day. Thank you for coming into
our lives.
The Rainbow Bridge
We will meet again...
For those of us who truly love and value our pets as best friends and members
of the family, their loss can be devastating. Many people do not
appreciate the power of our bond with beings of another species and may
discount, or even ridicule, the profound emotions that such a loss can
precipitate. It is essential that people celebrate each pet's life
even as we mourn his/her death in whatever way is appropriate.
Society's permission is not necessary to do this and many valuable resources
are available to grieving pet parents.
Grief is a complex emotion and it is difficult enough to experience when
surrounded with a strong support network. Too often in our society,
animal companions are of secondary importance and many dismiss their loss as a secondary
Guilt is commonly associated with the loss of a pet. People wonder what
they could or should have done differently to ease the suffering or lengthen
They fear they might have euthanized their beloved pet too soon -
or too late. They fear their pet may have suffered. They wonder
if people around them may, indeed, be right that they are allowing the death
to affect them far too much.
Pets are our fur-babies. They are often our best friends and our
only source of true unconditional love. They are deserving of our
devotion, our gratitude, and our highest respect.
So long as whatever we do for them is done with their best interests in
mind, we have done the right thing.
We miss you
Troubie, Melodie, Nellie, Herman, Shadow, Tanner, Harmony, Cleo, Charmer, Puffer, Isabella,
Inky, Asta, Barry, Snowball, George(Tarzan), Bullet, Danny, Blackie, Peko,
Bart, Hammy, Gwinea, Yurtle, Mac, The
Quackers, and all the rest who touched our hearts too briefly...

Also dedicated to the millions like Little
Sweetie, who never find or keep the safe, loving, forever homes they
deserve. Little Sweetie was a beautiful, loving kitty who was
declawed and left to starve in the wilderness, and was rescued too
late. Little Sweetie - I miss you and I'm sorry.